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perfumepod Refillable Perfume Atomizer 5ml - Purple

perfumepod Refillable Perfume Atomizer 5ml - Purple;Purple Perfume pod refillable perfume sprays are designed for dynamic consumers with a modern on-the-go way of life, yet always concerned about looking and feeling wonderful.This fun and affordable accessory is offered in 3 major lines to cater all the needs and wants.Perfume pod...

perfumepod Refillable Perfume Atomizer 5ml - Purple


Purple Perfume pod refillable perfume sprays are designed for dynamic consumers with a modern on-the-go way of life, yet always concerned about looking and feeling wonderful.This fun and affordable accessory is offered in 3 major lines to cater all the needs and wants.Perfume pod creates new behaviors and needs. It drastically boosts fragrance usage for 75% of perfume pod owners.

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