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Philosophy Coconut Frosting 3 In 1 Shampoo 480ml

Pamper your skin to the creamy sweet scent of coconut each day with the Philosophy's Coconut Frosting 3-in-1 shampoo, body wash, and bubble bath formula. This all over hair and body, shampoo and cleanser will leave your skin feeling soft, clean and nourished whilst your hair will be silky smooth and glistening. Features Rich,...

Pamper your skin to the creamy sweet scent of coconut each day with the Philosophy's Coconut Frosting 3-in-1 shampoo, body wash, and bubble bath formula.

This all over hair and body, shampoo and cleanser will leave your skin feeling soft, clean and nourished whilst your hair will be silky smooth and glistening.


  • Rich, moisturising lather.
  • Clean, soft skin and hair.

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